Protecting privacy is (y)our business. We want to end image-based sexual abuse.
Image-based sexual abuse causes serious harms
Thousands fall victim to ‘revenge porn’ every year. These are mostly young women, but it can happen to anyone. Image-based sexual abuse is not criminalised in most countries. A major issue is the common nature: so many people don’t take issue with it or blame the victim. Examples are plentiful: over 2000 Dutch and Belgian men shared more than 30.000 private images of women and girls on a private forum. Hundreds of celebrities were faced with ibsa in 2014 when their images were stolen and published during ‘the Fappening’. This is a worldwide privacy-crisis like nothing we’ve seen before. The Internet knows no borders, and tackling image-based sexual abuse is made more difficult by its novel nature. ‘Revenge pornography’ is recognised as sexual abuse by the United Nations.
There are over
websites dedicated to ‘revenge porn’
Get involved
Become a donor or volunteer your time. We can use your help to create a safer internet. Help us with a donation or with your expertise, time and talents.
Stop abuse
We tackle image-based sexual abuse by doing research, lobbying and providing education. ENCP Foundation supports research towards the criminalisation of image-based sexual abuse at the University of Oxford, does lobby-work in favour of better legislation in multiple countries and is developing a campagne to make young people aware of the harms and wrongs of ibsa.
Protecting privacy is (y)our business. We want to end image-based sexual abuse.
There are over
websites dedicated to ‘revenge porn’
Image-based sexual abuse causes serious harms
Thousands fall victim to ‘revenge porn’ every year. These are mostly young women, but it can happen to anyone. The Internet knows no borders, and tackling image-based sexual abuse is made more difficult by its novel nature. ‘Revenge pornography’ is recognised as sexual abuse by the United Nations. ENCP Foundation works to end image-based sexual abuse